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Cek Kesehatan Hewan Kurban Pemkot Jakbar Siapkan 22 Petugas
Cek Kesehatan Hewan Kurban Pemkot Jakbar Siapkan 22 Petugas .
photo Desri Arfin -

Acting Central Jakarta Admonished Satpol PP Head

The mushrooming of sacrificial animal street vendors on Jalan KH Mas Mansyur, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, makes the acting of Central Jakarta Mayor, Rustam Effendy, furious. He immediately admonished Head of Central Jakarta's Satpol PP, Yadi Rusmayadi to curb the vendors. Few days ago, Rustam had asked Yadi to curb vendors along sidewalk and green line.

Satpol PP personnel must curb the vendors immediately

"Satpol PP personnel must curb the vendors immediately," Rustam  said, Monday (9/29).

Meanwhile, Yadi Rusmayadi stated that his side will follow up on it. The controlling is planned to be held tomorrow, Tuesday (9/30).

Examination on Qurban Animals Tightened

"We hold control tomorrow morning around eight. Our personnel to be assisted by 100 police personnel," Yadi explained.

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